Read our first ESG report

12 January 2024

We are pleased to share our very first Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) report presenting our commitment to transparency in how we conduct our business – and our approach to assure a better future for following generations.    We invite you read the full report available to download on our media page:

This report consists of our policies, our carbon-footprint calculations, environmental commitments for the net zero reduction path, and our dedication to social responsibility. All calculations are developed following industry-approved tools and guidance.

The purpose of this report is to outline our environmental, social, and governance policies and our responsibilities for improvement, explaining how we are engaging with our environmental and social impacts with dedicated improvement plans.

RSHP has pledged to produce this report annually to include appropriate disclosure of environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance data, to report on benchmarking and to research and show progress against our commitments.

“Our ESG report formalises our commitment to a number of environmental, social and ethical values that have underpinned the work and culture of the practice for many years, going back to the constitution Richard Rogers so presciently drafted in 1990. Publishing the report enables us to articulate, expand and update these principles, a reaffirmation of our ethos for new generations within the studio, but also clients and collaborators across projects and across borders.
It constitutes an important milestone for us, one that reflects the constant evolution, and continuous renewal, of the practice.”
Stephen Barrett, Partner, RSHP

"As Architects we are well placed to influence positive environmental and social outcomes in our design work. It is crucial that we lead by example and strive to constantly enhance our environmental and social policies and practices. Our ESG report serves as a significant reflection of our comprehensive and open evaluation of our operations, with valuable insights from our team. This thorough review has also allowed us to reaffirm our dedication to making a meaningful impact for future generations, further highlighting the distinct value of our practices." 
Lorna Edwards, Associate Partner, RSHP.

"Having our first ESG report published is a wonderful milestone because it shows our commitment to target, measure, quantify, and improve our environmental and social impact. This ESG report helps us analyse and identify the biggest carbon contributors to our business and how to tackle them to achieve a net zero pathway.
We are committed to publishing a yearly ESG report showing improvements and carbon reductions, we are also committed to offsetting our carbon emissions by investing in carbon removal projects, to make sure that RSHP as a business contributes to achieving a better future for all." 
Michelle Sanchez, Sustainability Lead, RSHP.